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Muir, William; T. H. Weir (Editor)

The Life of Mohammad From Original Sources

The Life of Mohammad From Original Sources

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Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1923 (1912). "A new and rev. ed. by T.H. Weir". Quarto in polished maroon cloth, gilt stamped spine title; 2 preliminary leaves, cxix, 556 pages illustrations, frontispiece & 11 plates, incl. a folding map of Arabian peninsula ; index 23 cm. Deckle fore-edge and bottom edge; top edge gilt. Numerous printed scholarly notes to margins. Quite a tight, bright copy with very minor wear to exterior. Near fine. Two small personal owner signature to front free endpaper. . Hardcover.

A desirable copy. A highly detailed, scholarly work which contonue to garner interest. The aurthoer was knolwdgable of Arabic. Reprint of the 1912 edition. The 1st edition was published in 1861 in four volumes. "Sir William Muir KCSI (1819 – 1905) was a Scottish Orientalist, and colonial administrator, Principal of the University of Edinburgh and Lieutenant Governor of the North-West Provinces of British India."— Wikipedia. Muir / Contents: Introduction. I. Sources for the biography of Mohammad. The Koran, tradition and early biographies. II. Arabia before the time of Mohammad. III. Pre-historical notices of Mecca. The ka 'ba. Abrahamic legends. IV. Forefathers of Mohammad. Abraha's attack on Mecca. The homs. Hashimites and Omeiyads. Part first: Mohammad till the hijra. Chapter I. Birth of Mohammad. Nursed among bedawin. Death of his mother. 'Abd al-Muttalib and Abu Talib. First journey to Syria. Chapter II. Youth of Mohammad. Sacrilegious war. Second journey to Syria. Khadija. Children by her. Mohammad described. Rebuilding of Ka 'ba. 'Ali and Zeid. The four inquirers. Mohammad gropes after light. Chapter III. Mohammad's belief in his own inspiration. Early poetical fragments. Commission to preach. Traditional account. Chapter IV. Early converts. Abu Bekr, Othman. Persecution. First emigration to Abyssinia. Koran as revealed during this period. Precepts. Paradise. Hell. Chapter V. The lapse. Second emigration to Abyssinia. Hamza, Omar. The ban. Appeal in Koran to Jewish scriptures. Scriptural and rabbinical stories. Chapter VI. Ban removed. Death of Khadija and Abu Talib. Mohammad marries Sauda and is betrothed to Aisha. Medina. First pledge of the Akaba. Chapter VII. Midnight journey to Jerusalem. Second pledge of the Akaba. Emigration to Medina. Council of Koreish. Mohammad escapes to the cave. Flight from Mecca. Relation of Islam to Christianity. Knowledge of Christianity, whence derived. Effect of Mohammad's teaching at Mecca. Part second: Mohammad at Medina. Chapter VIII. Mohammad's arrival at Medina. Building of mosque. Marriage with Aisha. Chapter IX. State of parties at Medina. Refugees; citizens; disaffected; Jews. Chapter X. Religious institutions. Miscellaneous events. Chapter XI. First hostilities with Koreish. Divine command to fight. Chapter XII. Battle of Bedr. Consternation at Mecca. Chapter XIII. Assassinations. Beni Kainuka exiled. Hafsa. Fatima married to Ali. Chapter XIV. Battle of Ohod. Mohammad wounded. Hamza slain. Law of inheritance. Chapter XV. Expeditions. Ar-raji and Bi'r Ma'una. Exile of Beni an-Nadir. Chapter XVI. Bedr the second. Expeditions. Mohammad marries Zeinab (daughter of Khozeima), Um Selama, and Zeinab (divorced wife of Zeid). Veil for Muslim women. Juweiriya. Aisha's misadventure. Chapter XVII. Siege of Medina. Battle of the ditch. Massacre of Beni Koreiza. Reihana. Death of Sa'd ibn Mo'adh. Suras revealed at Medina. Jews discarded. Mohammad's power and dignity. Marriage, divorce, and female slavery. Style of Koran. Chapter XVIII. Expeditions. Abul-as and Zeinab. Expedition to Duma. Assassination of Abu'r-Rafi, and attempt to assassinate Abu Sufyan. Chapter XIX. Pilgrimage to Al-Hodeibiya. Pledge of the tree. Treaty with Koreish. Abu Basir. Chapter XX. Despatches to the Kaiser, the chosroes, and other princes. Chapter XXI. Conquest of Kheibar. Safiya. Mohammad poisoned. Return of Abyssinain exiles. Um Habiba. Mohammad bewitched by Jews. Chapter XXII. Pilgrimage to Mecca. Meimuna. Conversion of Khalid and Amr. Chapter XXIII. Battle of Muta. Generalship of Khalid. Chapter XXIV. Conquest of Mecca. Chapter XXV. Battle of Honein. Siege of At-Ta'if. Mohammad mobbed. Lesser pilgrimage. Chapter XXVI. Mary the Coptic maid, and her son Ibrahim. Chapter XXVII. Deputations from Arabian tribes. Chapter XXVIII. Campaign of Tebuk. Conquest of Duma. Death of Abdallah ibn Obei. Chapter XXIX. Submission of At-Ta'if. Pilgrimage of Abu Bekr. The 'release'. Chapter XXX. Embassies of submission. Chapter XXXI. Mohammad's farewell pilgrimage. Chapter XXXII. The three pretenders. Chapter XXXIII. Sickness and death of Mohammad. Chapter XXXIV. Abu Bekr elected Caliph. Chapter XXXV. Burial of Mohammad. Chapter XXXVI. Osama's campaign. Chapter XXXVII. Person and character of Mohammad. Traditions on the person and habits of Mohammad.

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