Schumann, Robert; Henderson
Fifty Songs by Robert Schumann
Fifty Songs by Robert Schumann
New York: O. Ditson Co.; C.H. Ditson & Co.; [etc.], Boston, [1903]. Large quarto; 1 preliminary leaf, xiii pages, 2 leaves, 174 pages 1 portrait 31 1/2 x 24 cm F. Ex-library with typical marking though no spine label. Very good overall. Hardcover.
Contents: All night long. Almond tree. Bygone pleasures. Dearest love. Dedication. He, the noblest. I dare not. I fain would forth. I'll not complain. In a fair and foreign. In dreams my tears. In the forest. In the garden. Intermezzo. Jasmine tree. Ladybird. Lotus flower. Lo vely cradle. Love's secret. March violoets. Memories. Messages. Moonlight. My soul is dark. Now hast thou turned. Now we-ve piping. Out over the Forth. Rose and the lily. Sandman. Silent love. Silent tears. Since mine eyes. Snow-bells. Songs of bitter sorrow. Spring night. Thou ring upon my. Thou'rt lovely as a flower. thy face so fair. 'Tis spring. To the sunshine. 'Twas in the lovely month of May. Two grenadiers. Wanderer's song. We walked under woodland arches. When gazing in thine eyes. Where'er my tears. Wherefore should I wander. With myrtle and roses. Young folks' song. Youth oft loves a maiden. Notes: Edition for high voice. "Robert Schumann," by the editor: p. [ix]-xiii.