Penner, S. S; Mullins, B. P. (Brian Percival)
Explosions, Detonations, Flammability, and Ignition
Explosions, Detonations, Flammability, and Ignition
London ; New York: Published for and on behalf of Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, by Pergamon Press, 1959. Quarto in dark blue-black cloth; xi, 287 pages illustrations 26 cm; bibliographical references About near fine(-) with very mild wear to exterior; no jacket. Hardcover. ISBN:
Uncommon work on explosives. / AGARDograph No. 31
Contents: Selected analytic studies on explosions, detonations, flammability limits, and ignition of gases, and on heterogeneous buring, by S.S. Penner.-- Experimental and theoretical studies of flammability, ignitibility and explosion prevention, by B.P. Mullins.
Combustion. Explosions Explosions. Combustion. explosions. combustion. Combustion. Explosions. Detonation. Explosions. Flammability. Ignition. Combustion Institute. thermodynamique.