Belov, Aleixo
A Volta Ao Mundo em Solitario
A Volta Ao Mundo em Solitario
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: Edicoes Maritimas, 2009. 5a edicao revisada. Octavo in black, white and yellow pictorial wraps; color photographs; appendix; 327p A fin as new copy with bookshop receipt and sticker on vero of cover and title page. Paperback. ISBN: 8599176358
In Portuguese. Scarce, "Quinza anos se passaram desde que Aleixo Belov ouviu pela primeira vez o "Chamado do Mar". Dai em diante nao parou. Leu livros, fez pequenas viagens, aprendeu a navegar, construiu o seu proprio barco, abondonou tudo e partiu, sozinho, num pequeno veleiro. [...] Em pleno mar, nas horas mais dificeis, o que lhe valeu o titulo de "1o navegador a completar, em solitario, uma viagem de circunavegacao" --Back cover. Translation: "Fifteen years had passed since Aleixo Belov first heard the “Call of the Sea.” From then on, he never stopped. He read books, took short trips, learned to sail, built his own boat, abandoned everything, and set off alone on a small sailboat. […] Out at sea, in the most challenging moments, it earned him the title of “the first navigator to complete, solo, a circumnavigation voyage.”Aleixo Belov circumnavigated the globe five times, three of them alone, in a boat he built himself. He is now the founder of the Aleixo Belov Museum of the sea, which presents relics from his travels.// Sailing; Solo Circumnavigatons