Armah, Ayi Kwei
The Eloquence of the Scribes: A Memoir On the Sources and Resources of African Literature
The Eloquence of the Scribes: A Memoir On the Sources and Resources of African Literature
Popenguine, Senegal: Per Ankh, 2006. 351 pages; 22 cm; index. Small gift inscription to ha;f-title papge; else fine and as new. Paperback. ISBN: 2911928091; 9782911928093
Uncommon. This memoir on the ancient and future resources of African literature, by the author of Two Thousand Seasons, KMT and other novels, gives colonial Africanist preconceptions of Africa's literary heritage a clean burial. Citing new evidence on oral and written traditions, it shows that Africa's old oral culture, antedating the pyramids, was the matrix from which emerged the hieroglyphic literature of ancient Egypt. —Publisher, ¶ "Ayi Kwei Armah (born 28 October 1939) is a Ghanaian writer best known for his novels including The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (1968), Two Thousand Seasons (1973) and The Healers (1978). He is also an essayist, as well as having written poetry, short stories, and books for children."—Wikipedia
Écrivains ghanéens -- 20e siècle -- Biographies. Authors, Ghanaian. Literature. Named Person: Armah, Ayi Kwei, 1939- Armah, Ayi Kwei, 1939- Time: 1900-1999 Geographic: Africa -- In literature. Ghana -- In literature. Afrique -- Dans la littérature. Africa. Ghana. Class Descriptors: LC: PR9379.9.A7; Dewey: VV928 Armah, Ayi Kwei, 1939-