Electronics Industry Good Neighbor Campaign; Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice; Campaign for Responsible Technology.
Sacred Waters: the Life-Blood of Mother Earth: Four Case Studies of High-Tech Water Resource Exploitation and Corporate Welfare in the Southwest / Corp
Sacred Waters: the Life-Blood of Mother Earth: Four Case Studies of High-Tech Water Resource Exploitation and Corporate Welfare in the Southwest / Corp
Albuquerque, NM: Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice ; [San José, Calif.]: Campaign for Responsible Technology, 1997. Large octavo in off-white printed paper wraps; perfect bound; 174 pages: illustrations, maps; 23 cm; bibliographical references (pages 114-125). A few small spots to wraps else near fine overall. Paperback.
Uncommon. / Contents: Santa Clara County, California: Silicon Valley -- Phoenix, Arizona: Silicon Desert -- Albuquerque, New Mexico: Silicon Mesa -- Austin, Texas: Silicon Hills
Water rights. Native Americans, Water resources development -- Environmental aspects -- Texas. Water-supply -- Environmental aspects -- Southwest, New. Water-supply -- Environmental aspects -- Texas. High technology industries -- Environmental aspects -- Southwest, New. High technology industries -- Environmental aspects -- Texas. Water quality -- Southwest, New.